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We have become aware of others unlawfully infringing on our copyrighted and trademarked content to promote their own lock and key parties and websites. We know that this is a great party and others want to try it, but we caution anyone attempting to use any part of our creative materials to promote their own party. Those parties will be shut down and we will prosecute any continued infringement or misuse of the written content and images in this website, our emails or other promotional and advertising resources that we utilize. We are open to working with others in approved partnering arrangements, but infringement will not be tolerated.
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'Lock and Key/Lock & Key/Lock N Key' is a federal registered trademark of our business, Lock and Key Events, Inc. Further information is available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's web page. Our federal registration of this trademark provides us with certain proprietary rights. This includes the right to restrict the use of the trademark, or a confusingly similar trademark, in association with confusingly similar products or services. This federal trademark serves as an important and distinctive representation of the origin of our products as well as the goodwill of our company.